Flow Assurance with OLGA (PFA-010a)

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This course is intended to turn the beginner into an OLGA user, capable of executing realistic flow assurance tasks. A mixture of lectures and hands-on exercises help you understand flow assurance challenges, the fundamentals of multiphase pipeline thermo-hydraulics, and how to apply OLGA in realistic flow assurance issues. The course is useful for the beginning to intermediate OLGA user, the prospective OLGA licensee and the capabilities of multiphase transient simulations.

Our experienced instructors focus on how you can turn your data into a good and effective OLGA model, and how you should perform your simulations. No previous experience with OLGA is necessary, but a general knowledge of pipe flow and the thermodynamics is an advantage.

The topics covered by lectures, exercises and hand-out material include:





For more information, please contact us on:
Telephone (Aberdeen): +44 (0) 1224 270342
Telephone (Lagos): +234 (0) 709 880 3737
Email Address: info@petroflowconsultants.com